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How to print and make selfie?

A small tutorial on how to print document and create a selfie with a document using our service.

How to print and make selfie?
1. Create document

Go to www.verif.tools and select required document. Then create an image of the document by selecting the PRINT option.

How to print and make selfie?

Add the resulting image to your shopping cart and buy it. If you don't know how to do it, read this tutorial.

2. Print image

Select the "Print" context menu item. Of course you need printer for this =)

How to print and make selfie?

Select the following print settings, and print this image.

How to print and make selfie?
3. Cut the document.

Now you need to cut the document with a utility knife and ruler.

How to print and make selfie?

Use a paper corner cut to cut corners neatly.

How to print and make selfie?

As a result, you should get something like this:

How to print and make selfie?
4. Take a selfie

Take a selfie with the document for a successful verification.

How to print and make selfie?
5. Verification

Now you can upload this selfie to the website or app and successfully pass the verification.

Have a nice day and successful verifications! =)